Cockroaches are one of the most instantly recognisable and scary of all the insect pests out there, and for good reason. These insects are known to carry a range of diseases, including Listeriosis, Salmonella, Dysentery and more. They also spread tapeworms, and their droppings can spread fungus, which can cause serious issues, particularly for Asthma sufferers.
Food poisoning is another issue that can come about as a result of a cockroach infestation, as these insects enjoy human foods and are known to contaminate them.
As such, cockroaches are particularly dangerous for restaurants and businesses, although they’re also not very pleasant for homeowners.
Whether you’re a commercial or residential client, if you notice cockroaches on your property, you need the help of cockroach control experts.
Flytech Pest Control has extensive experience dealing with cockroach infestations throughout Belfast and Lisburn, so our team can quickly and effectively get rid of cockroaches and leave your property pest-free in no time. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote.
Our Cockorach Extermination Process
Once you have identified a pest on your property, contact us by phone or email, or fill out a contact form, and we will get back to you. During this initial chat, we will determine the pest and the most effective treatment.
After a thorough domestic inspection is organised, we will visit at the agreed date and time. We will conduct a comprehensive survey during the initial visit to identify the best treatment plan.
Using gel or bait traps, we remove the cockroaches from your property. This usually requires three visits; however, severe infestations may require additional follow-ups.
Following each visit, we will provide a report on how the treatment is progressing and if additional visits will be required.
Guaranteed Cockroach Removal Belfast And Lisburn
Types Of Cockroach
Globally, there are thousands of types of cockroaches, some of which are good for local ecosystems, many of which are pests, and a few that are even kept as pets! There are two main cockroach species found in Northern Ireland: the German Cockroach and the Oriental Cockroach. While the American Cockroach, the Brown-Banded Cockroach and other cockroaches can sometimes be seen, these are the two most frequently noticed in Northern Irish homes and businesses.

German Cockroaches
The most common type of cockroach found in Northern Ireland is the German Cockroach. These small, reddish-brown insects are around half an inch in length. German Cockroaches fly and have full wings but are rarely seen in the air.
German Cockroaches have long, thin antennae and two dark stripes down their backs, which make them easy to recognise. However, as they’re so small, they can be tough to spot, so it’s worth contacting experts in cockroach control if you’re unsure.

Oriental Cockroaches
When you think of a stereotypical cockroach, the image you conjure up is usually of an oriental cockroach. At around 1 inch long, Oriental Cockroaches are significantly bigger than their German counterparts and have dark brown or black skin.
Male Oriental Cockroaches have translucent wings that cover almost their entire bodies but don’t fly. Females have no wings at all, and both sexes scurry around on their distinctive bowed back legs. If you think you have Oriental Cockroaches on your property, you should get in touch immediately.
Signs Of A Cockroach Infestation
Often, it can be easier to spot signs of a cockroach infestation than it can to see the bugs themselves. Most cockroaches are nocturnal, and while they might sometimes be active during the day, for the most part, they are more active at night.
Fortunately, cockroaches are distinctive and are unlikely to be confused with another pest problem. Some of the main signs of a cockroach infestation, beyond seeing the bugs themselves, include:
- Cockroach Skins: While the actual cockroaches themselves might be difficult to spot, you might see a lot of discarded skins lying around your home. These are small, light brown cases that look like the bugs themselves but are actually dead skin they no longer need. If you see these, you should get in touch immediately.
- Cockroach Droppings: Cockroach faeces are very small and can look like spilt black pepper or tiny specks of dirt. It’s often found near food sources such as bins and kitchen cupboards.
- Damage To Food Or Packaging: Cockroaches will eat anything and often do, so look out for signs of disturbance in food containers. Cockroaches bite into packaging and can create small holes into which they can burrow to reach food.
- Discarded Egg Casings: Egg casings, or ootheca, are a protective barrier created by cockroaches to keep their eggs safe. They look different for each species but are mostly small, dark and hard. Female cockroaches can produce as many as 8 egg cases a month, with up to 30 eggs inside, so once the infestation takes hold, you will notice many of these cases in your home.
- Musty Smell: A large cockroach infestation will make your home smell musty. If you notice an unusual odour that lingers even after cleaning, this could be a sign of cockroaches.
- Cockroaches often venture indoors in the winter as they don’t like damp areas. Cockroaches prefer warmth, so they will look for hiding places where it’s hotter, such as inside ovens or near heat sources.
The bigger the cockroach population in your home, the quicker you’ll notice the problem. Large infestations are easier to spot but harder to handle, so you need to try and see the signs of cockroaches before they become a real problem.
As soon as you spot signs that you have cockroach issues at your home or business premises, you need to hire professional pest controllers.
Contact Flytech For Cockroach Extermination Belfast Today
If you notice any of these signs of cockroaches, then you need professional cockroach pest control. It might be tempting to try and deal with the issue on your own, but DIY products are difficult to use and can be unsafe.
It’s a well-known fact that cockroaches are hardy, so they’re incredibly difficult to get rid of. As such, eliminating a cockroach problem is best left to the professionals.
To control cockroaches, we use gel or powder-baited traps to catch and exterminate the roaches. It often takes several visits to completely eradicate the infestation, especially if you have a large property or a lot of cockroaches.
As well as cockroaches, Flytech also provides a range of other pest control services, including rat, flea and ant control, wasp nest removal and pigeon proofing solar panels.
So, whether you’re a homeowner or a business leader in or around Belfast, we can help. We offer 24-hour pest control services to help you stay safe and remove vermin effectively.
If you need cockroach control or support with any other pests, call 07955 008274 or email johnnymorrison79@outlook.com.